
What we do

Daniela Kisch Juvall is a graphic designer, art director, and lecturer with 17 years of experience in design, art direction, and visual strategy. She graduated in 2008 with a BA in Media and Communication Science from Uppsala University and later earned a diploma in Visual Communication from Berghs School of Communication, where she today teaches both Visual Culture and Editorial Design.

After seven years at a design agency specializing in organizations and trade unions, and almost ten years as the Art Director for the anti-racist research magazine Expo, Daniela founded her own studio in 2015. The studio works on a diverse range of projects, often with clients within the social, cultural, and political field, creating everything from visual identities and concepts to books, catalouges an dmagazine design, animated visuals, and exhibition design.

If you’re interested in working together or want tofind out more, please get in touch. I’d love to hear from you!

Visual identities & concepts
Art direction
Print design, such as books, book covers, catalouges, publications,
magazines and papers, posters, ads and folders
Motion graphics
Exhibition design
Digital design
Visual strategy


Studio Daniela Juvall AB
Blekingegatan 24
c/o Södergruppen Arkitekter
118 56 Stockholm

Awards and

2023 Elementa magazine for Mossutställningar nominated for Swedish Publishing Prize

2022 Cinemateket catalouge awarded silver in Swedish Publishing Prize

2021 Svenska Tecknares annual report awarded Swedish Publishing Prize
För tydliga grafiska element, finurlig form, härliga illustrationer och utmärkt tryck.”

2020 Arbetarhistoria nominated for Swedish Magazine Publishers Association – Journal of the Year Specialised Press ”Med en kompromisslös och egensinnig omgörning sätter denna tidskrift tonen för en över 100 år gammal rörelse. Genom innovativ fanzineform och mycket passion tar denna tidskrift historien in i framtiden.”

2018 Expo.se nominated for Swedish Design Award
2018 Expo.se nominated for Swedish Magazine Publishers Association – Digital Journal Popular Press
2018 Expo.se nominated for Swedish Publishing Prize
2018 Expo Magazine nominated for Swedish Publishing Prize

2017 Östberga Type and the kids from Östberga fritidsgård is awarded Ung Svensk Form 2017, Svensk form
2017 Expo Magazine nominated for Magazine of the Year – Swedish Magazine Publishers Association
2017 Expo Magazine #1-2017 nominated for Swedish Design Award
2017 Expo handbook ”Med myter som vapen” nominated for Swedish Design Award
2017 Expo Magazine #1-2017 nominated for Swedish Publishing Prize
2017 Expo handbook ”Med myter som vapen” nominated for Swedish Publishing Prize
2017 Subtopia handbook ”Klumpology” nominated for Swedish Publishing Prize

2016 Expo report ”Stängda dörrar” awarded Swedish Publishing Prize
2016 Expo Magazine nominated for Swedish Publishing Prize
2016 Magasin Subtopia #9 nominated for Swedish Design Award

2015 Expo Magazine nominated for Redesign of the Year – Swedish Magazine Publishers Association
”En småtorr enfrågestidskrift har förvandlats till ett tydligt agendabärande magasin. Expos redesign gör tidningen långt mer läsvänlig och vågar tro på reportaget som huvudsaklig innehållsbärare. Särskilt skickligt att lyckas snickra fram gedigna fram- och bakvagnar med obefintlig annonsering.”
2015 Awarded Berghs School of Communications award Courage of the Year for the work with Fragment


Autumn 2024 Course Leader for the Visual Culture course, a part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication.

Spring 2024 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, a part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Autumn 2023 Course Leader for the Visual Culture course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Jacob Kimvall.

Spring 2023 Mentoring graduate students, Beckmans Collage of Design, Visual design program, graduate projects

Spring 2023 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Autumn 2022 Course Leader for the Visual Culture course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Jacob Kimvall

Spring 2022 Mentoring graduate students, Beckmans Collage of Design, Visual design program, graduate projects

Spring 2022 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Autumn 2021 Course in Fanzine! for the graphic design students at Forsbergs school, together with copywriter Jessica Johansson

Spring 2021 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Winter 2020 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, delivered as part of the Visual communication program at Beckmans Collage of Design, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Spring 2020 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Autumn 2019 Course in Fanzine! for the graphic design program at Forsbergs school, together with copywriter Jessica Johansson

Spring 2019 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Spring 2018 Course Leader for the Editorial Design course, delivered as part of the Communication Design program at Berghs School of Communication, together with Pompe Hedengren.

Autumn 2017 Course in Power and responsibility for the graphic design program at Forsbergs school, together with copywriter Jessica Johansson

Spring 2017 Course in Fanzine! for the graphic design program at Forsbergs school, together with copywriter Jessica Johansson


2015–ongoing Studio Daniela Juvall AB

2010–2019 Expo Foundation 

Art director for the foundation including
Expo magazine and the site expo.se

2008–2015 ETC
Graphic designer and communication strategist with clients like LO, Svenska Filminstitutet, Brotts­förebyggande rådet, Vänsterpartiet, Energi­myndigheten and Arbetsförmedlingen



2013–2015 Diploma in Visual Communication from Berghs School of Communication.

2005–2008 Bachelor's degree in Media and Communication Studies from Uppsala University, including courses in Practical Swedish and Advanced Software Engineering.

2017 Typography Summer School New York by
Fraser Muggeridge and Other Means Studio

2011 Graphic Design Advanced at Forsbergs School